News & Insights
Keep informed with our recent transactions, insights and publications analyzing issues and trends affecting providers in the education industry. Choose below from our in-depth industry research reports or our quick-hitting Insights articles.
How your Business Compares to the Competition
As the vaccine becomes more available and parents become comfortable returning their children to preschool, it’s very important to generate and analyze an accurate comparison between your school/schools and the competition. In this post, we will walk you through how to evaluate your own school, as well as how to compare yourselves to the competition.
How do I Accredit My Preschool and Is It Worth It?
With so many nationally recognized accreditation organizations, how do preschool owners know which accreditations are best suited for their school? In this post, we will explore 3 popular accreditations as well as provide resources on where you can find more information about all nationally recognized accreditation organizations.
Planning for the Minimum Wage Increase in the Early Education Industry
As an owner, you know that payroll costs are the single largest expense for any childcare center or preschool. With President-Elect Joe Biden calling to raise federal minimum wage to $15/hour in his stimulus plan speech, many owners are concerned about this potential wage hike. To help offset the added expense of a federal or state wage increase, we have provided a few options that may be able to help!
Happy Holidays!
The SchoolWise Partners Team would like wish all our friends and family a happy and healthy holiday season. During this season, we take time to reflect upon the good things we have… like our partnership with all of you. We appreciate working with you and hope that the holidays and the coming year will bring you happiness and success.
When is the Best Time to Sell My School?
When it comes to the successful sale of a business, one of the most important factors is timing. To many business owners surprise, one of the best times to sell a business is when things are running smoothly and outlook is bright.